What's the best way to find the right job on shoghlanty site ?
You can search by typing job title, and state where you want to work carefully to get a job on proper search results and advertising functions arranged from newest to oldest, you can access them to see the advertising image and find out the details and progress of the job.
How i can know the latest jobs daily ?
There are two ways:
* Firstly, type in search engines, the word "jobs today" and determine the state of work or without identified.
* Secondly, subscription bulletin postal jobs to receive the latest jobs first hand.
what's the right time in the day to look for a new jobs ?
shoghlanty updates the job 24 hours as soon as they arrive from the source, so you can follow the new jobs on the site at any time.
searched within the site, and found in the search results alot of ads jobs , how i can chose the right ones easily?
Well, you can filter many of these results through the filter on the side of search results by: the State of employment - work place or city - Job Titles available - nationalities required
Found announcement function appropriate for me .. How do I apply for the job?
Excellent, you will find the job on the right side check the declared or box means of communication will find the e-mail address or telephone number or fax your announcement, you can check more than one means of communication through advertising image paper or source page declaration if it was from the internet.
Is there a fee for website services?
Absolutely , shoghlanty offers job advertisements, The service allows recording resumes and registration of companies without any financial return or services Interchangeably.
How can I take advantage of special newspaper advertising functions optimally?
You can do this by keeping advertising image on your own computer and zoom in and out of the document as you want, when you search may interviewer other disciplines and this is not a guide to system error but it is an indication that the document include other functions next to your specialty Vatalaa the full text of the document
What are the service of toolbars shoghlanty?
Is a service that enables you to follow the new jobs by specialty or state that prefer to work out, a toolbar is loaded with your Internet browser from which you can continue to update jobs daily.
As in the following figure:
I found difficulty in download the toolbars shoghlanty .. How do I install the toolbar on your web browser?
Download shoghlanty toolbar on the browser is very easy, to you explain by pictures how to download shoghlanty toolbars after you press the download link below:
Download toolbars shoghlanty of here.
The first step :

The second step :

The third step :

The fourth step :

The fifth step :
Can I download more than toolbar at the same time?
- Yes, you can download more from the Toolbar on more than one browser you have by your interests
Example: I'm an accountant and interested public functions in the Gulf and Egypt?!
You can download the Toolbar and accountants in the browser functions Internet "explorer", and Download Toolbar jobs in the Gulf browser "Firefox", either the browser "Google Chrome" can install Toolbar jobs in Egypt it!
means of communication in the advertising image is not clear, what can I do?
you'll find next to the advertising image data by the box function, you'll find the most important within the advertising image of the advertiser, and a means of communication.
I discovered that the announcement employ exaggerated or misleading information, how to warn others of it?
when you make sure that you can send to us the ad link to testing it, you can warn others of it via your comment below image ad a personal opinion in it.
Is the site a support for the work of a particular company?
shoghlanty intermediary between you and the companies, when companies ask us CVs of higher qualifications in the country, for example, give them access to those CVs registered on our site.
How do I take advantage of the newsletter service?
To receive the latest vacancies as soon as the update, you can subscribe to the newsletter we have logged your email address and the emphasis on his arrival, in order to send you a location Jobs on your e-mail first hand.
What should I do after deterministic for the job that I want?
You can communicate with the advertiser through the medium of communication published either by telephone or Mobile, or even send your resume to the e-mail stated in the form of advertising.
What can I do if I have other problems?
If you encounter another problem or any other query you can contact us on our email:
[email protected]
we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
I want to follow up on events activities shoghlanty beside employment services ?
You can follow the activities of events shoghlanty , the most important news about the work market, advice guidance and human development through our page on Facebook and Twitter.