بيانات الوظيفة الخالية


Target Recruitment





مكان العمل

منسق مشروع

الوظيفة الخالية

[email protected] Fax. + 33 (0) 1 42 65 33 46



مدينة العمل

Facilitate the development and implementation of project cycle management; Partiicpate in developing a PCM guide, incl. tools and procedures to be used; Train the staff to use the PCM guide and related tools and procedures, and notably follow up the implementation of the Project Management framework (PMF, ACTED PCM Tool) for all projects Keep track of all projects and programmes monitoring and evaluation schedules and work with field staff to design and implement monitoring and evaluation procedures; Work with all departments to follow up project and programmes databases incl. work on the nomenclature used (official names etc.); Follow up the day-to-day workings of the AME Department, including reading weekly monitoring reports and follow-up; Ensure that appraisal, monitoring and evaluation reports are made useful for fundraising and add to the general base of field knowledge in the country for all organisations working in the area; Set up a Resource Centre at the capital office regularly updated with appropriate and relevant external and internal resources. Diffuse information to other internal stakeholders through the intranet and the regional office Ensure that local partners, when appropriate, engaged in appraisal for and/or with ACTED are trained and given advice in participatory approaches, minimalizing bias, and other key methodologies for information gathering; Work with base and field staff to help design and improve adapted participatory appraisal mechanisms for the projects implemented in the country; Manage the AME staff in cooperation with Area Coordinators and Programme Managers; Follow up work plans, activities and their quality; Work with the administrative departments to ensure that procedures are respected; Solve problems and give professional guidance, specially for interns / volunteers; Communicate regularly to the regional Coordination, Programme Managers and Coordinations on all activities; Understand and disseminate Donors guidelines ; Liaise regularly with Area Coordinators, Programme Managers and technical staff to ensure the production of quality reports across areas and across Donors; Work in close relation with AME Department to develop and incorporate more solid monitoring and evaluation components in reports; Work in close relation with Finance Department to ensure greater coherence between financial and narrative reports, and ensure steady cash inflow based on the timeliness and quality of report submissions. Work in close relation and communicate on a regular basis with HQ reporting department, notably on the basis of the monthly Reporting follow up In relation with the project development manager and Country Director, ensure that all meetings are held and documented (capital coordination meetings, area coordination meetings, monthly coordination meetings, quarterly country coordination meetings); Ensure in particular that reporting guidelines, formats, philosophy, deadlines for each project and donor is communicated clearly and standardized across the country for new and on-going projects; Follow-up meetings at the field level and in the capital, between the bases and between the country programme and HQ/other ACTED operations through the ACTED Newsletter; Draft agenda and minutes of country-wide meetings, with the assistance of the Reporting staff. Update on a weekly and monthly basis the external relations database, which documents latest negotiations and proposal possibilities with a number of key donors; Manage a team of Area Coordinators, Programme Managers and technical staff to ensure that proposals are developed in a cohesive and professional manner and in line with ACTED country strategy and donor requirements; Act as point of contact for all Donor communication, including the organisation of and hosting of Donor visits in the field for projects s/he is in charge of Define the main target groups, activities, resources and partnerships needed; Ensure continuum of PR activities, including formal presentations, engaging media for coverage on success stories, updating project-specific and regional fact sheets, and documenting publications featuring ACTED in the media ; Identifying sources of funding for a more cohesive public information strategy incountry. Postgraduate diploma in International Development and (or) relevant Master’s level degree (anthropology, development studies, humanitarian aid, sociology); Fluency in written and spoken English Proficiency in written and spoken English Strong writing abilities and analytical skills Skills in political sciences or international relations Ability to work efficiently under pressure Previous experience in the humanitarian field, proposals development, and donor relations are required Previous experience abroad is required Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus Additional monthly living allowance Free food and lodging provided at the organisation’s guesthouse Transportation costs covered, + luggage allowance Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance


اسم الوظيفة ، مجال العمل ، الشركة
